How to Start a Conversation on Tinder With a Guy

How to Start a Conversation on Tinder With a Guy

how to start a conversation on tinder with a guy

One of the easiest ways to start a conversation on tinder is to find a photo that interests you and start a discussion. Generally, people enjoy talking about themselves, so use a photo of yourself to spark up a conversation. For example, if you are a guitar player, you can ask him about his playing style. Similarly, if you are a costume lover, you can ask about his favorite Halloween costume.

Avoid compliments

When starting a conversation on Tinder, you may be nervous about approaching a guy. Don’t worry; it’s normal. Use your nervousness as a source of humor and a chance to express your genuine interest. Avoid compliments, however, because they’ve been abused by online spammers for years. Instead, focus on praising the guy’s appearance or interests instead.

Using a specific type of question when starting a conversation on Tinder is a good strategy. For example, if he likes music, ask him about his favorite band or song. A common interest could be a favorite band or a T-shirt.

You can also use compliments to show him that you’ve taken the time to read his profile. While it isn’t necessary to start your message with a compliment, it’s important to show that you’ve read his profile thoroughly. For instance, if he has an embedded Spotify playlist, make sure to check it out. If you’re not sure, you can also ask him about his bio.

If you feel uncomfortable about a compliment, try changing the subject by asking questions or changing the topic. If it doesn’t go anywhere, don’t waste time repeating yourself. Try to avoid clingy compliments. Instead, try to find a topic that makes you feel comfortable and open.

Compliments can be an easy way to start a conversation on Tinder, but they’re not always the best way to start a conversation. They’re not only a great way to open the conversation but they also give you something to talk about.

Avoid talking about exes

While talking about exes can be awkward, it’s best to stay positive and focus on the present. After all, you are trying to get to know someone else and explore their likes and dislikes. And if you want to make it work, you need to show that you’re truly interested in him.

If you’ve recently ended a relationship, you should wait a few weeks to months to start talking about your ex. Even then, you should keep it polite and keep your responses light. If you are cold or angry with your ex, he’ll probably just think you don’t want to get back together. It’s also best to avoid replying to his messages to avoid making him think that you’ll always be around for him.

While you can ask about the guy’s exes, it’s best to avoid asking about his past relationships. This can make you look insecure or jealous. It can also cause you to wonder why you’re single in the first place. Then, you’ll feel like you’re the only person who has this problem.

Avoid joking about tinder

If you’ve been on Tinder with a guy you’d like to meet, there are some things you should keep in mind to make sure you strike up a conversation with him. It isn’t always enough to just start talking about Tinder. You need to ask him questions about his profile, pictures, or interests. For example, you could ask him about his favorite band or shirt.

Men love a little stroke on the ego once in a while, so be sure to give him subtle compliments and acknowledge his appearance. It’s important to make it seem natural, but be careful not to make it sound like you’re trying too hard.

Another common mistake that people make when using dating apps like Tinder is starting a conversation by saying “hey” or “hey.” These lines won’t get you anywhere. Moreover, most Tinder users are savvy enough to know that you’re not going to catch them by using these pick up lines. Hence, you’ll be better off sending a funny GIF or asking a question to get a conversation going.

It is important to keep in mind that you should keep it light and fun while using Tinder. Avoid talking about your previous relationships or sex life if you’re just starting a conversation with a guy on Tinder. Remember that a first conversation on Tinder is often the most important, so make it as light and playful as possible. If you’re unsure of how to start a conversation, ask him about his job and what he likes to listen to. If he has an interesting job, it’s a great way to start a conversation with him.

Avoid avoiding sensitive topics

When starting a conversation on Tinder, it’s best to avoid talking about sensitive topics. Whether you’re trying to get to know someone better or you’re interested in starting a relationship, it’s best to avoid asking about his weight, his religion, or his recent relationships. These topics can cause you to be banned by the app.